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Winna Shield/Inter-College Music Competition
Winna Shield Sports
The JCU Student Association is responsible for coordinating a variety of sporting events throughout the year. Students from each College or JCU Halls of Residence compete for the Winna Shield Trophy which is awarded at the end of each year to the College/Hall that has accumulated the highest number of points through participation in regular events. Some of the sports included are: swimming, rugby, water polo, netball, basketball and a cross-country race.
Saints Catholic College students are enthusiastic participants and supporters at the games. The College mascot - the Bongo Bus - is often taken to games by cheering Saints' supporters wearing Saints' colours.
Inter-College Music Competition
The Inter-College concert is organised by the Colleges and Halls and occurs in September each year. This annual event is a chance for on-campus residents to participate in various group categories to showcase their artistic talents. There are five sections: Dance, Musical Theatre, Choir, Instrumental, and Band. Residents with organisational ability, back-stage skills or talent in choreography are always sought after as well.
The concert is a spectacular afternoon of entertainment and if you can't be directly involved, your support on the day to cheer enthusiastically is essential. The College can earn extra points for Spirit shown by the audience for each of the sections.