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Spiritual Life
Saints Catholic College bases its ethos on the Catholic Christian values of service to God and service to others. For those who want to maintain their Catholic faith and heritage, mass is celebrated during term time. Faith discussions occur from time to time and we encourage all the residents to participate in social justice or community activities to help those less fortunate than themselves.
Some of our residents are members of other Christian denominations or other faiths. Although we are a Catholic college, different religious beliefs are accepted and respected within the College. JCU has a multi-faith chaplaincy. People of other faiths or other Christian denominations are encouraged to contact them to find a suitable place of worship.
Chapel and Sacred Space
Saints Catholic College has its own chapel situated above the College dining room. Mass is celebrated during term time at 5pm on Sunday evenings. New residents who attend mass are welcome to participate as readers, Eucharistic ministers or members of the choir. We are keen to expand our music ministry and new residents with musical talents are encouraged to become part of the liturgy as well.
The College also has a sacred space in the St Raphael's Wing. Here you can just sit and reflect or pray in a quiet place. If you prefer, you can also borrow the key to visit the chapel during the week.
Social Justice/community activities
At the College you are encouraged to participate in semester community activities. These are usually organised by the Residential Assistants on each floor. They are a great way for the residents to socialise with their ‘floor-mates' and at the same time fundraise or participate in an activity to 'give back' to the community.
Some of the activities over the years have included fundraising for Caritas and Project Compassion; helping with a community tree planting and revegetation project; visiting the elderly at the nearby Hospice and organising fund-raising activities for various good causes.
Girls Night In
Community event participation
Community event - birthing kits
Catholic chapel located above the dining room